Emergencies Happen We Can Help
Life has a way of throwing you unexpected curves. At Northeast Oklahoma Community Action Agency (NEOCAA), we understand that a temporary emergency, such as the loss of a job, unexpected medical costs or a car repair that threatens your employment, can put individuals and families in crisis.
Emergency Services at NEOCAA provides emergency assistance to qualifying residents of Adair, Cherokee, Craig, Delaware and Ottawa counties who are faced with loss of a utility service or actual eviction from their rental homes due to economic hardship.
If you have experienced an unexpected emergency that causes you to use your normally budgeted utility or rent money to fix the unexpected problem, we may be able to help.
Available Services
Emergency Services also provides assistance to eligible residents for the following services:
• Rental or Utility Assistance
• Rental Assistance to Prevent Eviction
• Housing for the Homeless
• Referrals
Call (918) 253-4683, ext. 169 to see if you are eligible for emergency assistance.
For more information or to request an application, contact Emergency Services at (918) 253-4683, ext. 169
Once your eligibility has been determined, you will need to fill out and submit the application.
To receive emergency assistance, applicants must also provide the required documentation, including:
Valid Driver’s License or Photo ID
(If you do not have an Oklahoma driver’s license or ID, you must provide a lease agreement or current utility bill to prove residency.)
Social Security Cards for All Household Members
Verification of the Most Recent 30 Days of Income
Receipts or Bank Statements Documenting Your Expenses for the Last 30 Days
Proof of an Unexpected Emergency or Occurrence
For rental assistance, applicants must complete the General Rent Documentation form and W-9. Both forms must be completed by the applicant’s landlord and submitted to NEOCAA Emergency Services. Those requesting assistance with a utility service must also provide a utility bill and a 6-month payment history from the utility company.
Individuals with a qualifying emergency may ask for assistance once each grant year, as funds are available.