Affordable Housing, From Start to Finish, We Do the Job Right
Affordable housing is a broad term used to describe decent, safe housing that is affordable for individuals who, generally, earn less than 80 percent of the Area Median Income (AMI).
Where a person lives is more than just their house or apartment, it’s their home and their place in the community. A good home provides stability, making affordable and decent housing important to all of us.
At NEOCAA, we provide a number of services to help our families attain affordable and livable housing, including:
• Rentals in all five counties we serve, including Adair, Cherokee, Craig, Delaware and Ottawa counties
Eligibility for Housing services is based on income.
If you need rehabilitation on your existing home or are looking for a rental, NEOCAA is here to help. Call Wynena Daugherty at (918) 253-4683 ext. 150 or by email for more information and to find out if you are qualified for these services.
Required Documents for Housing Rehabilitation Services
• Completed and Signed Application. Call us for an application.
• Copy of Deed. The deed must be in the applicant’s name and be their primary residence.
• Proof of Income of All Family Members
NEOCAA is an Equal Housing Opportunity agency